Sunday, July 7, 2013

So We Come to the End...

So we come to the end of this first project. It has been an amazing ride, one that I have enjoyed tremendously from start to finish. In some ways my ambition overstepped my ability, which to me is a good thing. I am very much a rookie with the air brush, and I definitely need a lot more practice before I attempt some of what I wanted to do with this kit, but didn't.

This is my first large resin kit and overall I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. My goal of having it ready for the doubles tournament on July 21st has been reached. I think that in some ways having that self imposed deadline hurt the final produce a little, as there are some flaws that I overlooked, some fit issues that I could have addressed better, and some mistakes that I would have like to have fixed.  Overall though I am extremely pleased with how things turned out. It has stretched my skill set and given me some ideas for things I would like to try in the future, such as camouflage, and more sophisticated weathering techniques using salt or hair spray, as well as getting fancier with the air brush.

A note on my materials...

My paints are mostly Citadel.  Brushes are a mix, again mostly Citadel with some others tossed in for good measure. Glue was Citadel thin superglue and Krazy Glue Max Bond. I use a P3 wet palette. I have 2 second hand Badger A-150 airbrushes, and use a commercial pancake compressor with a regulator.

I do want to expand my palette, and get into more lines of paint, but I want to use up some of the Citadel stuff first. The next big paint investment will most likely be the Badger paints, or possibly the Vallejo Air line, we shall see...

Now on to the photos...

Thank you all for tagging along!


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