Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time to Start Slapping Some Paint Around...

So, I got to the point where things have begun to accelerate, parts cleaned up, holes filled, time to start moving...

13. The pilot and navigator figures, as well as their seats and the cockpit were pinned to wooden blocks, to act as paint stands and handles. Some people use corks, but since boxed wine does not have corks, I had to improvise with scraps of wood laying around.

14. Then I assembled the engines. Pretty straightforward, but they did require a lot of trimming and sanding to fit.

I left off the landing skids until final assembly, as they will interfere with painting

15. I attached the nose to the fuselage. Again a lot of sanding and filing was involved, and the gaps were still significant. I am not complaining, this is the nature of the beast. I could see light through some of them...
As an aside, the fuselage is so heavy you could use it to beat someone to death. Just sayin...

16. I primed the pilot, navigator, seats, console and engines Chaos Black. I like the GW primer, as it is very forgiving and covers well.

17. Then I filled the gaps in the nose section using Squadron White putty. This was too big a job for Liquid Green Stuff, and not quite big enough for the two part green stuff.

18. I mounted the wings and the tail planes. The fit was excellent, despite the minor warping in the wings. Then I flew it around making swooshing noises again.

19. I painted the pilot's console. For the monitor I used 3 shades of gray, with 3 coats of Citadel "Ardcoat gloss varnish. The small details were painted using a 20/0 brush and a lighted magnifier. I am 43, and even bifocals can't keep up with the tiny details.

20. Finally I base coated the seats, and gave them a wash of Agrax Earthshade. I have heard this was called talent in a bottle. I tend to agree.

There does not appear to be that great a difference in the pre and post wash pictures, but there is, trust me.

That is all I have gotten done so far. Next steps will be priming the big parts gray, highlighting the seats, and painting the pilots.


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